Can Multivitamins Increase Your Child’s Height?

Posted on Jul 28 2015 - 1:23am by tweenselmom

I believe so. Why? Because I remember I didn’t drink any multivitamins when I was young and now, I’m only 4’10. Well, I don’t blame my dad and my lola back then but how I wish maybe that I got some supplements. But seriously, are there any medical proofs that multivitamins can do increase your child’s height?


No. As I’ve read over and over again, there aren’t any multivitamins or supplements which can guarantee on making your kids grow as tall as you may want them to be, maybe 5’5 or more since that’s our ideal height. If they are genetically made to be short, you just have to accept it. Height is controlled by a certain hormone in our body called  Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and this is being secreted by the pituitary gland. You may have hard about that in your Science subject.

BUT don’t lose hope. As long as our kids haven’t reached their peak height, around 16-18 years of age, we can still do something to help them reach their FULL POTENTIAL HEIGHT. Through proper nutrition and supplements which will HELP the HGH to do its work, then our kids will have a great chance to be as tall as they should be. You don’t know if you or your husband has in your gene the height of Michael Jordan, who knows? The important thing is we did our best to give our kids the chance to that ideal height.

Currently, I am giving my kids Nutri10Plus and it has CGF or Chlorella Growth Factor. I believe it has a lot of good effects that my eldest is now taller than me and she’s only 11!

What is GCF for?

There’s one resource which lists out the many good benefits of GCF specially when it comes to increasing height:

According to this research Chlorella has “capacity to promote growth in the young which is apparently related to Chlorella ability to stimulate the healing process in the body and work against many disease stated probably due to its nucleic acid content more than anything else – since the same substances and process that accelerate growth in the young promote repair of damaged tissue in mature animals and humans. ”

What about you? What do you do to help your kids increase their height?