How are you with your Christmas preparations? I bet that you are already looking at your long list of to-dos as we all count down to the last days before December 25. If you will ask me, I will probably answer the same, that I’m super busy. But you know what, it made me think thoroughly how Grinch these daily tasks can be, stealing us the opportunity of Christmas to get in touch with people, our friends who we haven’t found time to visit or meet this whole year, or the relatives abroad who we didn’t even had the time to call or chat with.
When I received Downy’s Christmas package, I was reminded of many things. The Christmas package was a big, red, velvety sack full of Downy Parfum sachets and big bottles, and a big, red blanket with gold ribbon. I was so thankful of this blessing as Downy is really my brand of choice when it comes to fabric conditioner. Downy’s scent lasts long on our clothes and though my favorite variant to use is the blue one, this stock of Downy Parfum scent will be reserved for our special clothes.
But it was the big, red blanket scented with Downy Parfum which really made smile. You know why? Because it made me remember the times when my kids and I still share a big bed together. We used to share a big blanket and curl up together. Now that they sleep on their own beds, I miss our sleep-together days already.
With the warmth and the scent of the blanket, I also remembered my relatives and friends who have always given me warmth through their support, and their constant effort to communicate. I admit that this year, I became a bit selfish of my time, ever so busy with work and personal goals. I know life is not all about that, and being connected to the people you love will always be more important more than anything else. And of course, I was reminded how blessed I am to have a loving husband, who always protects and provides for us, his family.
Thanks to Downy Parfum’s Christmas Package and the wonderful scent the fabric conditioner brings to our clothes, I felt that I too should be able to share the same warmth and good feeling to other people. Although material gifts will also be appreciated, it’s the sincere care, a warm hug, that will really touch and give hope to others. I promise to be more loving, more hugging, more caring and affectionate to the people around me.

Downy Scented Christmas Tree in Eastwood City – Don’t miss it!
You should also try it yourself, if you think you are missing a lot. It won’t hurt giving a hug. If you want to, you can also visit the Downy Scented Christmas Tree at Eastwood Mall’s open park in Quezon City. Decked with red LED lights, the sea of red roses inside the 50 feet Scented Christmas Tree lights up when people inside hug each other inside the perfume-scented chamber. We haven’t seen the tree but we are definitely planning to go to Eastwood this week. The tree will be up until December 26, so there will still be time.
Let us all start to #Spread100Hugs starting today, and every day, to experience a hug’s undeniable power. Learn more about #Spread100Hugs and watch Downy’s heart-warming #Spread100Hugs video on Downy Philippines’ Facebook.
To my dear reader, have a Merry Christmas to you and your family. A warm hug to you!