Uncomfortable, sticky, and stuffy periods – my daughters and I relate to each other when it comes to that. It’s a monthly routine when we dread these days because we feel all these sorts of emotional and physical discomfort before, during, and after our period.

But as moms, we always learn through experience, how to expect these kinds of pain and avoid them. And that’s the beauty of it being a mom of two girls since they can always come to me for advice when it comes to these “girl stuff”.
How to lessen pain during periods
- Headache, back pains, stomach cramps – the best advice I can give to relieve these immediately is to apply heat on them. You can use a warm compress and apply it to the back and stomach. You can also use massaging oil that can add warmth to your temple and body. I also find drinking hot tea or hot chocolate very comforting when I have menstruation pains.
- Do light exercises like yoga or light walking. It makes the cramps go away by letting the blood in the body circulate and pumps some adrenaline into the body.
- Eat or drink some dark chocolates. If you can bake, bake some dark chocolate treats like this dark chocolate lava cake. The baking itself distracts the mind from the pain while dark chocolate has these ingredients that can boost energy and lessen pain.
- Relaxation – we experience three to four days a month experiencing this kind of pain and I think it’s the best days to take a break and give yourself that needed rest and relaxation. You don’t need to splurge. You just need to go to a stress-free place at home, in your room, just close your eyes, relax and think of happy things.
- Use comfortable menstruation pads – don’t underestimate good, quality napkins when having your periods. I’ve already tried a dozen more different brands and I can attest to it that it’s worthy to buy more expensive but comfortable pads – for me they should be thin and absorbent and I value the kind of sheets because there are those that can really be irritating.
Whisper, I can already attest to this brand since I’ve been using it since I’ve started menstruating. And now, even better, they have the NEW Whisper Breathable with thousands of Airflow Vents. I didn’t know that Whisper can get even better. The popular Whisper wings got even softer preventing chafing ( chafing can be irritating and painful you know). And most importantly, the top sheet was improved meaning more protection from leaks ( I dread bed sheets with leaks, yikes!)
Find out more about NEW Whisper Breathable and share your #HingaLangGirl moment at http://www.facebook.com/WhisperPhilippines
*I got Whisper product samples but the opinions shared here were all mine.