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TweenselMom sees life as a sweet challenge. Thru her supportive family, she now successfully raises a home being a work at home mom. This blog is dedicated to her daughters, husband, friends and blog followers who continuously give her inspiration and to all other moms who sees motherhood as a blessing,

I only know a little about asthma though I’ve lived with family members who have asthma when I was younger. The only son of one of my aunts has an...

Until now, I still find it fun to buy and bring home a Happy Meal to my kids. That feeling that you are carrying something special, the red color of the...

Almost half a decade from now, my kids will be young adults. And that will mean I’ll be in the mid-life adult stage (no, not the senior stage ha)....

Feeling anxious, envious, sad and lonely are all routinary and part of my daily life. Don’t think that it’s only you. Everyone of us, even...

I’ve never underestimated sanitary napkins and pantyliners. I remember, since the beginning when I’ve started earning on my own, I always invest...

When we found out that there’s a new hotel in QC that’s just a stone-throw away from Trinoma and SM North, I knew it will be a matter of time...

I don’t watch much of Tagalog movies, not that I am partial to foreign movies, but it’s just that there are not so many good Tagalog movies...

I think most little girls love unicorns and the color of pinks and purple. Even adults like me, we are fascinated with these pony characters not only because...

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