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TweenselMom sees life as a sweet challenge. Thru her supportive family, she now successfully raises a home being a work at home mom. This blog is dedicated to her daughters, husband, friends and blog followers who continuously give her inspiration and to all other moms who sees motherhood as a blessing,

It’s not about who we sleep at night but who we wake up with in the morning. Yes, I agree to that. I remember that I only actually started sleeping...

Me, with my eldest, who is now a tween. We were just blessed then that I had healthy pregnancy and my CS delivery was successful with the help of my OB,...

Chopsuey is the quickest dish I can cook at home when I feel like serving lots of veggies for lunch or dinner. I usually buy a pack of pre-cut assorted...

I know you’ll agree that as years pass by, providing healthy food on the family table is getting more difficult. Why? Vegetables are getting more...

Pesto pasta, I just found out, is one of many’s favorite alternative pasta dish from the usual red sauce and white sauce pasta. But most of us only...

It’s the start of the year once again and it’s an exciting time to freshen our wardrobes with comfortable clothes, and for me and my 2 daughters,...

Another year is over and a whole new one had just started. It’s a happy thing not only because we’ve survived another year, but also because...

The kids will be back to school tomorrow and we will be officially back to business. Work at home, house chores and the usual stuff. Before we plunge in,...

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