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TweenselMom sees life as a sweet challenge. Thru her supportive family, she now successfully raises a home being a work at home mom. This blog is dedicated to her daughters, husband, friends and blog followers who continuously give her inspiration and to all other moms who sees motherhood as a blessing,

This is the recipe we used when we made Ham and Cheese Pan-Wiches in the The Maya Kitchen Family Baking Class. ...

It was an ideal day for my girls and I to have my husband join us for the first time in a family baking workshop. As we girls are fond of cooking at home, Daddy is always our happy eater, the one who taste tests when we try a new recipe. So when I received an invitation from The Maya Kitchen for their monthly family baking workshop, I immediately accepted it. Finding TMK...

Eden Cheese has always been the star of my spaghetti, chicken macaroni salad and the sandwiches I make either in regular days or when there’s a special...

This is the recipe of the pretzel my daughter baked when she attended the Mommy Bloggers Philippines workshop hosted by Brotzeit. Enjoy baking! ...

This year’s school vacation was all about having fun in the kitchen. Since the kids started staying at home for their school breaks, they had been...

We always welcome summer, not only because of the sun, but because of the cool desserts which pop out from our favorite restaurants. This summer of 2016,...

Mariel has a small collection of Shopkins. I think she only has more than 20 by now. I can’t remember how she started collecting but what I know...

Having two girls is an equally challenging and fun experience for me as a mom. One of the most fun parts I’d talk about here is when it comes shopping...

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