Kids are always full of energy but sometimes we run out of ideas on how kids can spend these extra energy for their benefit. Going to outdoor camps such as Paradise Adventure Camp is one way to have fun with your kids and experience outdoor activities you will enjoy playing with them. My daughter’s field trip was at Paradise Adventure Camp and it was near...
Kids find it cool when parents know who their favorite cartoon characters are. They are quick conversation openers with your tweens. Here’s a quick introduction of your tweens’ favorite cartoon characters and be cool about them when you see them watching. Princess Bubblegum Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum or PB is her complete name. She is already 827...
Babyhood The first time you saw and held your baby, you surely thought how wonderful it is to be a parent. You fell in love with that little bundle of joy in an instant and you thank the Lord for blessing that day. You take care and protect your baby with everything you got and if you just can shout out to the whole wide world that your baby is just the Most Beautiful...