What are your fears in being a mother? Like me, your list may be very long. But you know what, at least for me and in my opinion, there is only one crucial mistake that a mother can do and that is to abandon her child. As long as you are there, may you be physically present or not, but you know and your child knows that you are sincerely involved in his or her well-being,...

Have you tried avocado on toasts? I’m an avocado lover but I only eat it sweet, like an avocado smoothie or avocado cake. But I found out it tastes lovely also as a toast topper. I only see these kinds of toasts in parties as canapes or what they call hors d’oeuvre (pronounced as “ordurv”), as appetizers. But who can stop me from enjoying it...

When I searched for Richmonde Hotel in Google, you know what attracted me initially? They were the price, the pool and the staircase. There were many hits and a couple of misses in this hotel and I hope this blog post will give you enough idea to help you decide if you are going to check in this hotel or not. I booked our room in Richmonde directly from their website...

Last November, Ajinomoto launched the #CreateYourPlate with Community campaign which supports Ajinomoto Philippines Corporation’s mission to “bring happiness to every Filipino through its high quality products and services that make every meal delicious, nutritious and enjoyable.” Unfortunately, I missed the launch event but to show my support, I...

Every cook knows that cooking takes time and patience. And when you try to hasten your cooking, you end up having a disaster. Either your dish turns out to be tasteless or raw. But there’s something we can do to avoid the rush and it’s to cut the time in preparing the ingredients. That’s where Tupperware Speedy Chopper helps me a lot. It’s...

This is the easiest pasta dish I’ve ever tried and you can cook it in less than 5 minutes ( given that you have all the ingredients and excluding time you cook the pasta). Since I am a pasta lover, what I do is I always cook some pasta in advance and store them in the refrigerator. You can also keep a jar of parmesan or shredded cheese in your ref. Cooked pasta...

I’ve never been vain when it comes to make-up or skincare products but when you get to the age of 40’s, you’ll start to see changes in your face you may not like. Then you start to ask, do I look old? I don’t mind getting older, because with age comes wisdom as they say. But I don’t like to look old, not for now at least. I still don’t...

I’ve got left-over apples from my New Year fruit basket so I thought of how I can serve them to my husband and the kids aside from being peeled fresh. I made a quick dessert since I also have remaining whipped cream inside the ref. If ever you will have so many apples in stock, feel free to click this recipe in my blog. I swear your house will be filled with...

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