A Mother’s Strength Is In Her Heart – #TibayNgNanay

Posted on Oct 6 2018 - 9:09am by tweenselmom

A mother’s strength is in her heart. You can’t judge how strong a mother can be just by looking at her. In all these years I’ve become a mom and in all the stories that I’ve read and heard, each of us have this secret power hidden in our hearts, where we get this unusual strength to tackle all the challenges that life give us.

Each of us have our own unique ways of harnessing these hidden powers, and even in myself, I often get surprised that I am able to finish multitude of tasks at home and in my job when I think of the goodness they will bring to my family. In our blogging community, I’ve known so many moms with unique stories, who have different struggles in life, who still manage to get by, doesn’t lose hope and doesn’t leave their families. Instead, they cope and they proudly write their stories to inspire others.

Whatever difficulties you have in life, you will realize that as a mother, you were already built with that inner strength, and you just have to stir it, and let it drive you to carry on.

This recent video of Orocan shows the story of two women who have found strength in different ways. At first, it seems that the video is a typical story of a single mom who gives her best in rearing her daughter alone while the other woman is someone who finds happiness through charity. But when you think a little bit deeper, you’ll realize that life can’t be that simple for a single mom nor someone who likes to help dozens of children without the funds. It’s not even only about the money, but the time, the emotion, and other kinds of sacrifices, all of these are needed by these women to be able to thrive in what they do.

Watch the video here :

So where do they get all these strength? The only answer I can think of is that they get all these power from within, from their hearts, from their sincere love for the family and the children. Anyone can act or put on a show that they are selfless and that they do care (we popularly call this character as “plastic) but this act will easily fail. As the Bible says, “love is tenacious, love is persevering, love is patient.”

Cheers to all the strong moms out there who readily take the challenges of motherhood. If in case there are times you feel you want to give up, just pause and give yourself time to breathe. You deserve it. I’m sure after a while, you will feel the same fire, the same strength to continue.