COVID 19 has been causing our family a lot of stress, and I realized that it’s taking its toll on me. The anxieties I feel seem subtle but I am seeing some of the symptoms that I’m beginning to be stressed out a little bit more and more as days pass by. I couldn’t sleep much, my neck and back seem to be aching often, and I get paranoid whenever I sneeze and my throat gets itchy. I have chronic allergic rhinitis and whenever I have bouts of this allergy, it makes me anxious. And then the allergy disappears.
To make matters worse though, my beloved mom-in-law is sick and in the hospital and we don’t have the freedom to just go and visit her.
But you know what, God is good because, in these times of crisis, I feel that He always finds ways how to show people what to do. Of course, there were fatalities, but all those lives were lost not for nothing. They were lives who count for us because we learn from them, the doctors, the government learn from all these casualties that were the reason why these people were able to implement policies that will protect many.

Pause, Praise and Pray
As I get tired of being anxious and from the silent whispers I get from these beautiful stories I’ve read and heard, I’ve thought of these 3Ps that I think will be good to apply these days. These had helped me a lot to think clearly and be more grateful and hopeful of the days to come. Let me talk about them in a few words.
Pause – is to stop or try to refrain from doing the things that we really wish to do, no matter how hard it is – to go out and not observe the rules that our community officers say. These small acts of reducing the instance that we go out and canceling our plans even if it means not seeing our loved ones may seem to be invaluable, but they are not. This practice doesn’t only allow us to rest and calm down but more importantly, it can save lives.
Praise – is to praise all the people who are risking their lives to save other people. It’s better to use our time praising these people and encourage more people who have the ability, talent, influence, and power to contribute more. There are lots of them and praising them all should take all our time rather than complaining and questioning what these people are doing.
Pray – is to ask goodness from the Lord that we all survive this crisis and that this crisis passes us soon. I was really touched when I heard one religious leader when he cited Philippians 4:6 : “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ” God is good and with our prayers accompanied by thanksgiving, he will heed our call.
How about you, will you do the 3Ps? Thanks for reading and stay safe!
This blog post is part of Mommy Bloggers Philippines blog hop.
I hope you will learn more tips from the moms to keep your mental and emotional health in check during this COVID 19 crisis.

How to be Productive While Working From Home by Mommy Ginger
5 Ways To Fight Stress During The COVID-19 Outbreak by MumWrites
God is Bigger than COVID-19 by Tipid Mommy
5 Ways to Keep Your Sanity During COVID-19 by Mommy Mhownai
How a Positive Mindset Alleviates Anxiety During the COVID -19 Crisis by All Around Pinay Mama
A really beautiful reflection during a chaotic, uncertain time. Thanks for sharing your journey!
It’s crazy. Today all of the casinos shut down in Las Vegas along with all non essential businesses!! Yes God is good though
So grateful for all the people that are doing essential work and that are on the frontlines of this disease!
COVID19 definitely affecting more people lives and this makes us scared and stressed. These idea of 3 P’s are really helpful. We need to pause, praise and pray no matter what the situation is. God is good and I do believe that there is always a light after the darkness.
Such a warm and heartfelt post you’ve shared for us. Everybody need this kind of blog as the whole world is experiencing such hardship and plague.
people pray because it makes them feel better, or makes them feel hope, or makes them feel love, or makes them feel just a welcomed hair shy of being utterly powerless. So, concerning all of the above, it can be said that prayer works
Hope your mother in law feels better soon. Hugs. We can all survive this.
A wonderful post. We all need this during these trying times.
THIS. IS. EVERYTHING. It’s so important to stay positive and focus on the good. Thanks so much for this post! Here’s to pausing, praising, and praying!
What is going on right now is sad and crazy but I know we will all emerge stronger after this trial.
This post is a great reminder to pray. We can only do our part to practice the recommendations they have given us but it’s God that will save us.
Given out circumstance it could be worst. I thank god that this will soon pass over but not sure when. It’s all about perspective.
Our area has been hit hard, and my daughter came in contact with two classmates who tested positive, so she is in mandatory quarantine. Last week we were going about life as normal, and now we are in isolation. These are tough times and I do think things will get much worse here in the US.
That’s so sad but have faith, this will be over soon.
We are all living in uncertain times at the moment. In my country we are all under a government lockdown, we are unable to leave our homes unless we have urgent business such as going to the supermarket, pharmacy or hospital.
I agree: everything is on hold and we keeping things as calm as we can. working from home, giving as much love as we can to our pets and waiting for things to get back to normal
The coronavirus taught me to take everything one day at a time. Don’t panic for the future, just look for tomorrow.
Hoping for the best. And I am totally agree you on this that god always finds ways how to show people what to do. Stay safe and healthy
Yeah, I have been trying to do all these three lately. Things have been crazy.
THese are dark times for all of us. We are together in this. Sending across love and prayers.
This is really lovely. And I totally understand what you mean about feeling paranoid every time allergies make us sneeze. We’ll get through this. And I’m sending healing vibes to your mom-in-law!
Corona virus sucks! Many people worried and suffering around the world because of this virus it’s Pandemic we already lockdown to my hometown and were not allowed to go outside. In this situation The only thing that we can do right now is pray and high hopes.
This is so true. At times like these, we all just need to o pause, praise and pray. Nice post. Thanks for sharing.
This is definitely a scary time! It’s important to take it day by day and try to remain calm! Stay safe! <3
Such a thoughtful and beautiful post! Praying every day, praising the people and respecting the pause. Maybe the earth needed it!
Thanks for sharing this. Hope you are all good
Yes, I will definitely do these 3Ps. Especially pray. For I know, it’s only the Lord who has control of everything.
Of course, I will! Thanks for sharing your thoughts that may strengthen our will to stay optimistic and hopeful. God is good all the time.