5 Things You Can Do To Lift Your Spirits In 5 Minutes

Posted on Aug 1 2021 - 11:13pm by tweenselmom

Ever since the pandemic happened and just this year when my mom-in-law-died and then the delta variant scaring the whole country out and the government, thus putting us in ECQ once again, this creeping sadness within me seems to be in full action again. And whenever I feel it, I tell myself to fight it. You may be feeling it too and you know what, we really need to fight the sadness, these things in our mind which take away our joy.

As I struggle this morning, I did these steps to lift my spirits and help me remember my Why’s. I hope they are going to help you too.

  1. Replace your mobile phone wallpapers and change it to something that will make you happy and can instantly make your day. In my phone today is a photo of me and my husband, that one sunny day when we were out together. Seeing the sun again, up in the sky lighting the world makes me feel that one day, we will feel this kind of sun again.
  2. Make yourself a warm cup of your favorite drink and enjoy it. I just made a MILO choco drink (less than 1 gram sugar) . It was so good I forgot my sadness the minute I took a sip.
  3. Search and read happy and empowering quotes. Yes, I do it regularly and deliberately. Sometimes we really need reminders and these quotes were written most often by people who were inspired as well.
  4. Bring out some of your favorite family clips from your hard drive and watch them. My favorite clips are my kids’ videos and our videos together. Whenever I watch them, and realize how they’ve grown healthy and happy despite all the challenges, I really feel empowered and proud of what we have already done as parents.
  5. Whisper a quick prayer. This never fails to work for me and I hope you will try it too. Realizing that we can’t really overcome anything without Divine intervention actually makes the heavy load lighter.

The world is getting more complicated and difficult but still, there are many, many things that make living worthwhile. We just become sad when we forget those things. When it happens, be quick in doing something so try these 5 quick things you can do. If you have more ideas, I’d love to read about them and try doing them as well.

Have a great day reading and learning!