Raising A Tween – When Your Baby Is Now A Tweenie!

Posted on Feb 5 2014 - 2:51am by tweenselmom


The first time you saw and held your baby, you surely thought how wonderful it is to be a parent. You fell in love with that little bundle of joy in an instant and you thank the Lord for blessing that day. You take care and protect your baby with everything you got and if you just can shout out to the whole wide world that your baby is just the Most Beautiful and the Cutest baby of them all 🙂

baby maris baby mariel2 charles baby2


Then they start to call your name, sing, and dance. Your video backups start to build-up and you don’t care. You attend every parties, free kiddie events, watch kiddie concerts, start to gain weight eating your child’s left overs. You start to see the little girls and the little men in you when your child enters the toddler age.



The moment your child becomes a tween, they start to seek that hint of independence they seem to see you’ve got. They seem to prefer the same colors you choose in dress, or sometimes, a total opposite of yours. They look for toys or get involved with hobbies very much similar to yours. Your influence as a parent is truly crucial in this stage. As this may be kind of scary for some, this can be the most exciting age for you to create lasting memories with your child.

baby maris baby mariel2 charles baby2



8 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Grasyah (Life in an Island Paradise) February 17, 2014 at 9:48 pm - Reply

    awww.. i don’t think about it that much.. i just savor each moment with my 7yo now! Though I know I’ll be facing this kind of dilemma soon!


    • tweenselmom February 20, 2014 at 2:25 am - Reply

      Grasyah, welcome to tweenselhood haha 🙂

  2. Marie February 17, 2014 at 10:11 pm - Reply

    Sigh, I’m anticipating the day wheny daughter becomes a tween and I wouldn’t know what to do. Waah!

    • tweenselmom February 20, 2014 at 2:25 am - Reply

      Don’t worry, Marie. We mothers are built to adapt, we usually adjusts for them 🙂

  3. May De Jesus-Palacpac February 18, 2014 at 8:16 am - Reply

    Aw….I feel nostalgic. My little boys are also growing up. I’ve got two in toddlerdom and 1 almost in his tweenies. And I agree, this is the time they need us the most.

    • tweenselmom February 20, 2014 at 2:24 am - Reply

      Hi May, sinabi mo. My favorite nga is looking at my tweenies photos when they were babies pa 🙂 Di nakakasawa tingnan 🙂

  4. Carmen March 19, 2014 at 9:45 pm - Reply

    Hi Lanie!
    heard about your blog from Kisay page. What age group is “tweenies”? School-age (primary school)?
    i am a very busy mom, working with pre-schoolers, as well as primary school kids (and high school). most of the time, my older daughter does her homework and studying. i just check on her work before dinner time (and sometimes after). but she has been doing very well even with little assistance from me.
    my daughter’s term tests had finished before i saw this blog, but i must say i do pretty much what you have listed (we kisay’s know what we’re doing *wink*).
    i am not sure whether the Kumon works the same in all places and countries. i’ve seen a few worksheets from one of the Kumon centers here in South Africa, and i am not impressed by them. a friend of mine said she asked the owner of the kumon center in the area and she was told that they didn’t help kids in their school work, but rather taught kids diligence with their work. so, hopefully, it is different there in the philippines.
    i haven’t checked all the topics you have here, but i can see that your blog is worth visiting. keep it up!

    • tweenselmom March 19, 2014 at 10:09 pm - Reply

      Hi Carmen, glad to see you here and I am so much happier to hear that you are from Kisay (Quezon City Science High School) 🙂 Tweenies, which I target here on my website, are children from 7 to 12 years old, those years in between preschool and high school 🙂 I can relate with you, I haven’t heard mommies these days saying that they are not busy LOL:-) Thank you for your time clicking my page and reading my article. For Kumon, yes, what I hear is that they teach kids about independent studying that’s why I wanted to try them. My kids are doing good in school when you base it on their grades but I really want them to learn the importance of what they are doing and why they should do them on their own. As of what I know, more and more school are changing their system to teach this kind of independent studying and I am happy about that 🙂 Thanks Carmen and hope to hear from you again soon!

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