10 Creative Lessons For Moms and Kids This Summer

Posted on Feb 28 2014 - 4:33am by tweenselmom

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School vacations are the perfect times to do bonding activities with your daughters. Activities you both love to do but wasn’t able to because of schooling. Here’s a list of what you can do to bond this coming school break aside from outdoor activities and where you can get your resources.

Baking and Cupcake Making1.Baking & Cupcake Decorating Cupcakes are so in these days and what fun it will bring when you both can make your own cupcakes to share with your family. Little girls like to decorate cupcakes with toppings of their choice. You can explore the various tints of pink, blue, and brown with your favorite flavors (chocolate, strawberry, bubblegum) or come up with your own flavors and give a name for the cupcake you both created. (photo by Nina Matthews Photography)

tiny kitchenVicky Veloso Barrera’s Tiny Kitchen – Baking and Cupcake Making Workshop for Kids

For your Baking Needs, you can try out these shops online:

The Baking Aisle

The Baking Buddies

SweetCraft Baking and Confectionery Supplies

🙂 Try Out These Cupcake Shops

If you aren’t the baking type or just feel trying out the best cupcakes in town with your sweet-toothed daughter, you can try out the latest flavors from these cupcake stores. You can easily click their shops and order from Facebook Pages!

Ecka's SweetsEcka’s Sweets

Very affordable but equally yummy cupcakes made by a beauty queen. Price ranges from P160.00 per pack of 8 to P240.00 per box of 6. Try their best-sellers Ecka’s Royale, Oreo Crumble and Ecka’s Carrot.

everyday mom


Everyday Mom Cupcakes




Cupcakes by Gremlins


2.Hairstyling – This is the perfect time to practice different hairstyles for your child. School days are so hectic and you can hardly think of a nice hairstyle for your daughter before she goes to school. Pony-tails are not the only styles out there mommy. Long-hair or short hair, your daughter can look nice sporting different hairstyles without you spending a lot of time doing them. All it takes is practice 🙂

HairstylingHere’s some good links with instructional videos you can check out if you want to practice some different hairstyles for your daughter:

37 Creative Hairstyle Ideas For Little Girls

Cute Girls Hairstyles.com

3.Craftmaking – Doing crafts is not only beneficial in terms of developing creativity. According to this article, “arts and crafts aid emotional well-being to an extent that more active pursuits such as sports cannot, whereas certain arts and crafts activities also offer maths and geometry challenges, which help to keep the brain sharp.”

Memory CraftersMemory Crafters is an arts and crafts store which also offers subscription service wherein you will be sent a box full of craft activities which you and your child can share with. The contents of the box are kept secret until you receive them which keeps the excitement growing while you two are waiting for your box to arrive.

Arts In The CityArts In The City on the other hand is a summer school where you and your daughter can enroll and do crafts with other participating moms and their kids. Arts In The City is also offering regular classes in other areas of arts (ballet, music and voice, dance) in partnership with major arts organizations such as Ballet Philippines, Manila Orchestra and UP Madrigal Singers.


nail design

4.Nail Designing   Little girls are always bedazzled by their moms when they see their glossy nails. Why not make this vacation a fantastic one for your daughter by doing her nails. Girlstuff Forever washable nail polishes will be perfect for your tweens! Furthermore, if you want to treat your pretty one completely, why not go to a nail spa perfect for kids such as Peppermint Kids Nail Salon and have both of you relaxed and be pampered by nail professionals.


mom xstitch5.Cross Stitching – The art of cross stitching is not lost and learning about it in your high school days is not over yet. These days, cross stitching has developed into a full-pledged career for some mommies. But you don’t need to be business-minded to enjoy cross-stitching. You two can just enjoy looking for a simple pattern of your favorite cartoon characters or maybe alphabets to spell out your nicknames and cross-stitch away!

Cross Stitch Fundamentals – Check this article for an easy start-up if you yourself don’t know anything about cross-stitching.

TouchCrafts – This craft store company has outlets in most of our major malls in the city where you can find your cross-stitch materials including the colorful threads your daughter will love to use.

DSC_66706.Scrapbooking – Who doesn’t love scrapbooking these days! Gone were the days when you just simply paste your photos in photo albums and keep them inside your shelves until they get dusty. Scrapbooking helps you make memorable pages with your child by creatively collecting memorabilia of your family’s precious events and journals. Sky is the limit when it comes to being creative in making each of your pages. Teach your daughter on how she can make her own scrapbook and see how she gets creative putting photos of you, her siblings and her friends in her precious pages.

Affordable Supplies – What’s fun in scrapbooking is that the supplies are so affordable that you can easily execute your design ideas without spending so much. Here’s a list of shops where you can get your supplies without burning your pockets :

memory lane

MemoryLaneStore  – they also offer scrapbooking and stamping classes



Shmily Arts & Crafts an arts craft store in Sta. Ana, Manila which has basic scrapbooking supplies. They also sell craft supplies online plus beading/jewelry items, polymer clay & felt cloths.


papemelrotiPapemelroti This company has been in the industry of craft supplies selling since time immemorial 🙂 Till now, they continously sell affordable crafts and scrapbooking supplies.


gift wrap7.Plastic/Gift Wrapping – Gift wrapping is a must for girls and moms because we are usually the gift-givers. Everyone loves to receive gifts wrapped with love and sometimes, the wrapping is enough to make someone happy! Plastic wrapping is one useful talent itself. When your daughter knows how to cover books with plastic by herself, you’ll have one happy assistant come school days when they can cover their books themselves complete with their own designs 🙂

Gift Wrapping Techniques for Kids – Learn these so-easy-to-do gift wrapping strategies. You and your daughter will always be the star of the holidays when they see your presents.



Modeling8.Modeling/Personality or Confidence Development – Confidence and style may not be that easy to bring out when your daughter seems to be naturally shy. But your child can overcome all these through your support and your own examples. Modeling or confidence lessons will help your daughters overcome insecurities or develop themselves into better persons when it comes to communicating what they want. You don’t need to feel too competitive or has to have stardom wishes before you go out and enroll in personality development classes. Just the confidence to go out and shine wherever you are and be able to speak for yourself will be enough to give your child the edge in the future.

John Robert Powers

Catwalk Philippines

Star Horizon Workshop

painting9.Painting – Most children pass that stage when they really love to paint. Our children are usually the most creative painters in the family. My opinion on this is because they still don’t have enough words to explain what they feel about their surroundings and their experiences. Their imaginations usually come out through paintings. See how your daughter see the world and how she feels about you and your family through colors and paints (photo by Jerry).

You can purchase painting supplies from these shops:

Deovir Art Supplies

The Oil Paint Store



This summer, you can both enroll in Painting Classes such as the one being given by KidzArtPhilippines . They offer art and painting classes for kids 2-14 years old.


mom picture10.Photography Summer is the best time to start a hobby in photography. The sun is bright and the family goes to places where there are lots of very nice subjects to shoot at, the beach, parks, restaurants. All these colorful places plus the warm smiles you see from the people can be your daughter’s first interesting objects on her photos. Both of you will also enjoy taking turns shooting photos of each other.

Photography Workshop for Kids – This is the perfect time to check these workshop studios before the slots are completely filled in.

Philippine Center For Creative Imaging


Young Artists’ Studio

Here are nice resources where you can find basic photography info for your kids:

Digital Photography for Kids

Hobbies for Kids: Photography

polymer clay11.Bonus Idea – Polymer Clay Making – Polymer clay is like playing with your child’s favorite Play Doh though the materials are different. With polymer clay, you can create shapes and figures from your imaginations. Many mommies had been in the business of selling polymer clay jewelries and they really look amazing. Hobbes and Landes is offering a polymer clay making workshop for moms and kids 4 to 10 years old. Check their schedules here.






12. Bonus Idea – Science Art Lab – Are your kids fond of science? You can both enjoy science with art by joining Hobbes and Landes Art Lab this coming April and May. Check their workshop schedules so you can reserve your slots.

21 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Kim Timbol-Reyes March 3, 2014 at 1:13 am - Reply

    My little girl loves to paint so that’s our summer activity this year.

    • tweenselmom March 3, 2014 at 9:25 pm - Reply

      My girls too, I usually have reams of bondpapers at home just to be ready when they want to draw 🙂 Hope to see you with your daughter in one of the painting workshops 🙂

  2. Patty | MrsC March 3, 2014 at 1:14 am - Reply

    Yay thanks for sharing this! I’m gearing up for summer all this month, and need all the ideas I can get 🙂

    • tweenselmom March 3, 2014 at 9:24 pm - Reply

      Hi Patty, you’re welcome 🙂 Hope to see you in one of the workshops!

  3. Ingrid Guerrero Puzon March 4, 2014 at 2:21 pm - Reply

    Thank you Tweenselmom for featuring our upcoming workshop at Hobbes and Landes at their Greenbelt 5 branch.

    • tweenselmom March 4, 2014 at 2:37 pm - Reply

      My pleasure Ingrid! I’ve known Hobbes and Landes for a long time and you have fabulous workshops!

  4. Janice / The Roller Coaster Ride March 4, 2014 at 3:43 pm - Reply

    Nice suggestions. My daughters will love most of these. They’re very much into arts and crafts. My youngest daughter also loves baking. Will definitely keep these in mind. 🙂

  5. Roxi - Mr. Jacob's Mom March 7, 2014 at 4:16 am - Reply

    For our baking needs, we go to Chocolate Lovers in Cubao. 😀

  6. thereyoujho March 7, 2014 at 11:45 am - Reply

    Thanks for the list, I can suggest some to my nephew. Just have one question, do you have any tips on how I can encourage him to attend workshops? He doesnt like to attend any eh.:(

    • tweenselmom March 7, 2014 at 8:32 pm - Reply

      Great idea for a next article Jho! Thanks for visiting and I’m glad the list has been useful to you 🙂

  7. May De Jesus-Palacpac March 7, 2014 at 1:26 pm - Reply

    I agree with you that kids express more through the pictures they create. I love looking at my boys’ paintings, I actually have a better idea on the condition of their hearts sometimes when I go through their art works.

    I also think that photography’s an awesome idea! Thanks for reminding me of that, I totally forgot about that alternative.

    I checked the link to the DIY Art in the City, I’m extremely interested since it’s very near here. But the fee’s not yet posted. I’ll check again next week. 🙂 Thanks for this.

    • tweenselmom March 7, 2014 at 8:36 pm - Reply

      Thanks May for visiting. My kids love to draw too especially my youngest 🙂 My list is missing though when it comes to animation schools because my youngest likes to draw cartoons or making her own comics 🙂 Another list is brewing 🙂

  8. Camille Aguila March 7, 2014 at 3:55 pm - Reply

    I think I like the Sciance Lab. I tried painting with my kid and he didn’t enjoy it. I like music too but he wants his dad to be the one to teach him how. Hmmm. I’m thinking now what to do.

    • tweenselmom March 7, 2014 at 8:38 pm - Reply

      Haha, you’ll figure it out Camille 🙂 These activities actually need a bit of sitting down. Some kids like to explore more and be active and I’m trying to find out some activities that will be creative and active at the same time 🙂

  9. Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen March 9, 2014 at 11:41 am - Reply

    My daughter is into swimming but she just told me she wanted Karate Lessons this Summer… i’d love to do cupcake decorating with her.

    • tweenselmom March 9, 2014 at 12:03 pm - Reply

      Thanks for visiting Peachy 🙂 I guess most moms love cupcake decorating with their daughters these days 🙂

  10. Mitz March 11, 2014 at 2:18 am - Reply

    Wow perfect for summer! I’ll show this to my 9-year-old and see what she’s interested to take this summer. Thank you for sharing 🙂

    • tweenselmom March 11, 2014 at 2:24 am - Reply

      Thanks mommy Mitz for visiting! Your daughter will surely love the tips!

  11. Geoff March 18, 2014 at 1:19 am - Reply

    Thanks TweenselMom!

    If there are interested to enroll their kids in CATWALK PHIL’S SUMMER MODELING WORKSHOP, all they need to do is contact us through 0918.22.66.888 .

    -Geoff of Catwalk Phils.

    • tweenselmom March 18, 2014 at 2:07 am - Reply

      Thanks for the information Geoff!

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