The Real Fuss About Earth Hour

Posted on Apr 2 2014 - 3:41am by tweenselmom

earth hour bag1 earth hour bag2

Last Sunday, I received this wonderful limited edition shopping cloth bag from Marks & Spencer. It is a special bag not only because it came from a world famous brand but also because it was a prize from Earth Seeing my bag always reminds me that I should do my part as one of the countless people who support this international organization whose main purpose is to help save the world. With my humble blog, let me share you some valuable information about Earth Hour.

What Is Earth Hour all about?

Last March 29, 8:30-9:30 PM, families at home and establishments joined the Earth Hour campaign and shut their lights off for an hour. At home, we did our part too though most of our neighbors didn’t 🙁 I guess they are just not aware that an occasion like this was happening.

Earth Hour is an international organization which supports various environmental projects all geared to protecting our Mother Earth.  It all started in Sydney, Australia with a similar lights-off event. This event became annual and with the support of various external organizations, it has now become a global movement.

Why Turn-off The Lights?

For me, as an avid advocate of Earth Hour, turning-off the lights is a symbolic act of support showing how simple it is for us to be able to care for Mother Earth. Simple as it can be, with an hour of excess lights turned-off, the collective amount of power saved during that specific hour was really huge. That power is now stored and can be used for more meaningful purposes.

Community Involvement

Turning-off the lights as says is the start of our community involvement in this global movement. How far can a mom like me whose whole 18 hours waking time is being all used up in managing a home and working online can really do? 1 Hour a year for Earth Hour is not much and I am very much willing to give it, if not more.

Current Projects of

Earth Hour has several projects worth checking out and fairly easy to understand and these include the following. You can click each photo to learn more about these projects.

Take the Shark Off The Menu

Take Shark Fin Off The Menu

Save The Great Barrier Reef

Save the Great Barrier Reef

Stop Coal Power

Bancas for the Philippines

most loved sustainable

Vote for your most loved sustainable city

fabric bag

Put the Fabric Bag To Use

What Can You Do To Help Earth

Huge organizations are involved with this campaign organization but all of their efforts I think will all be futile if the little individuals like us won’t do our part in taking care of mother earth. For me, it’s common sense that what will harm you physically is necessarily harmful for our environment and vice versa. When you smoke, you harm yourself and then you harm the earth by contributing on air pollution. When you use plastic and throw them out just like that, eventually, all these plastics bring flood etcetera, etcetera. So please be conscious even at the minimum and that will be very helpful not only to the organization but to your family and your future family too.

Helping Through Social Media

Actually, there are other ways we can help Earth Hour org. If you have at least $5 to donate to the organization, you will already be able to help with their projects. But if yon don’t, creating awareness through your social media accounts will be a big help already. Each project has their own hashtags and link which you can follow and share. If you are a blogger, you can also put Earth’s logo and spread the news to your readers.

As they always say, we only have one Earth to take care of and it’s not too late to be involved. If you weren’t able to take part of the Earth Hour last March 29, then set your alarm and calendar for next year March 28, 2015 same time 8:30 PM. Take the first steps now.

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4 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. jenelyn cristobal April 2, 2014 at 4:14 am - Reply

    We did turn off our lights last March 29 at 8:30 and light some scented candles and we weren’t able to turn it on again the whole night..hihi…

    • tweenselmom April 2, 2014 at 4:18 am - Reply

      Haha, you are funny Jenelyn. Thanks for visiting. Let’s all join Earth Hour’s community 🙂

  2. Mars M. April 4, 2014 at 1:43 am - Reply

    Before I read through the whole post, can I just say that I love the M&S bag! I’ve been eyeing that! 🙂 Haha!

    • tweenselmom April 4, 2014 at 1:47 am - Reply

      Love it too and proud to use it when I do shopping 🙂 thanks for visiting, I’m proud to have you as one of my visitors because your arts and crafts were all earth friendly!

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