#100 Happy Days – Make Your Own List of Happiness

Posted on Apr 9 2014 - 9:35pm by tweenselmom


It has been a blessed first quarter for me. We have something to eat whenever we wanted to eat, I feel that my husband loves me more than ever, my daughters got their goals in school, and the list goes on but still, I feel that something is missing. And this morning, when I woke up, I prayed to God for an inspiration and to guide me again where the path of happiness is, the happiness he approves of.

Being Fit

After praying, whispering thoughts came to me that I need to look for myself physically. I hadn’t been fit for months and my bulging tummy is the best proof of my negligence.

Time For Reflection

When I think of it, I have time to go to the mall every week but I hardly have time to pause and reflect. Reflection and Prayers are food for the soul and as my body is gaining unhealthy mass, my soul is getting impoverished.

#100 Happy Days

I need to remember how blessed I am. I totally agree with the creator of this hashtag because happiness is a conscious effort. #100 Happy Days  will remind you to appreciate and be thankful of the littlest positive things that you encounter in your life. I’ve just signed up http://100happydays.com/ and as I see it, this vacation is the perfect time to test this challenge. I preferred Instagram but I will be sharing them here.

I find it quite amusing to learn from the site that 71% had taken challenge but failed it – because of lack of time. And I think, is that how busy they are or they just didn’t exert that enough effort to see the what they already have everyday because they are busy looking at someone else’ happiness? Well, they won’t call this as a challenge if it wasn’t but I wish I can make it. After the challenge, I am looking forward to receive the 100happydays book of my own where I can look back and feel more blessed that I was able to see how good the Lord has been to me.

My prayer too is that my #100 happy days will be connected with the happy days of the people around me. My kids, husband, friends, relatives, my co-bloggers, my employers, my future blog endorsers, my readers will all be touched and find their own happiness and be grateful that all of them came from the Lord.

Have you joined the #100 Happy Days challenge? Share me your experience!

Wish me luck people and I wish you find your happiness too!


13 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. May De Jesus-Palacpac April 11, 2014 at 9:03 am - Reply

    I’ve been thinking of signing up too but just need to mark the day when I’ll start. Thanks for this post. You’re right, let’s make a choice to be grateful and to appreciate our blessings. 🙂

  2. Kileen September 23, 2020 at 6:22 am - Reply

    What an awesome challenge! I would love to take part in this challenge, and I invite all to join in as well!

  3. Nikki Wayne September 23, 2020 at 8:47 am - Reply

    100 days of happiness is not so impossible,but maybe not straight.

  4. Krysten Quiles September 23, 2020 at 10:39 am - Reply

    This is really wonderful, I think we all need to work on making ourselves as happy as possible.

  5. Emily Fata September 23, 2020 at 2:39 pm - Reply

    I love the idea of challenging yourself to find things to be happy about over such a long stretch of time. It can really be a mood-changer!

  6. Kathy Kenny Ngo September 23, 2020 at 5:02 pm - Reply

    I think when you are truly happy, you won’t need to count the number of days. Monitoring how many days you are consecutively happy will guarantee that you will be unhappy.

  7. Heidi September 24, 2020 at 1:08 am - Reply

    This is such a great thing to do to remind you of how great your life really is!

  8. Celebrate Woman Today September 24, 2020 at 6:46 pm - Reply

    I guess this challenge is to show that we are the makers of the happy moments. We can be happy when we take time for that.

  9. Hannah September 24, 2020 at 8:16 pm - Reply

    i’ve been having this struggle with happiness and wonder if I can survive this 100 day challenge! It’s really something for me to truly consider.

  10. Joanna September 25, 2020 at 3:44 pm - Reply

    This is the first time I’m hearing about this website. Sounds like a very positive challenge, I will definitely check it out.

  11. Aarika September 25, 2020 at 7:39 pm - Reply

    I LOVE this idea! I definitely want to embark on this fabulous 100 Days of Happiness. Thanks for this wonderful post!

  12. Janessa Pablo September 26, 2020 at 6:36 am - Reply

    This is something that I really need to do especially with the current situation.

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