OFF! Insect Repellent Lotion Keeps My Kids Protected From Mosquitoes In All Occasions

Posted on Jan 3 2017 - 9:14am by tweenselmom

Another year is over and a whole new one had just started. It’s a happy thing not only because we’ve survived another year, but also because all the family occasions were reset and we got to celebrate again all those happy milestones together. To make sure that my kids are protected from getting mosquito-born diseases from all those family occasions, my husband and I are very stringent when it comes to applying OFF! Insect Repellent Lotion at home and before going to any gathering, may it be with our relatives or with friends.

You just can’t be too sure or confident when it comes to dengue. A clean-looking house will not guarantee that it’s free of dengue-carrying mosquitoes. Even in our own home where we take time to fumigate our plants at the front yard and use mosquito sprays often, we still make sure that we apply OFF! Why? Because it makes us confident that mosquitoes won’t even touch our skin.


OFF! Insect Repellent Lotion’s effect is long-lasting, provides hours of protection, and it doesn’t get sticky even when my kids sweat out. I can’t imagine letting my girls play outdoors even indoors with their cousins without having a mosquito repellent protection. These days when the weather is too unpredictable, we don’t know when mosquitoes will go out of their nests. Unlike before when they say that dengue mosquitoes only go out during the hot weather or during a certain time of the day, mosquitoes can already be anywhere and anytime.

family fun worry free with off anti-mosquito lotion

My kids rarely see their cousins, so I want them to be able to play and have fun with them without me worrying about dengue.

worry free family fun with Off Anti-Mosquito Repellent Lotion

Family occasions and trips are precious moments for us. When we go outdoors or even when we just go to our family relatives’ homes, I always keep them protected from disease-causing mosquitoes.

worry free family fun with OFF lotion

During school vacations, we take advantage of these days to go out with cousins and in-laws, like this Christmas when we watched The Grand Cirque in Araneta Coliseum.

I’ve learned that a dengue vaccine is already approved and made available for kids. However, our government still say that Just like any other vaccine, the dengue vaccine may not protect all the persons who have been vaccinated and may not provide 100% protection to vaccinees.  Dengue vaccination is not a substitute for protection against mosquito bites, and vaccinees are still encouraged to take appropriate precautions to prevent mosquito bites.”


I cringe when I look at this Aedes aegypti feeding on a human body. My husband said he sometimes see these types of mosquito on our frontyard.

I do agree with these remarks. Since dengue is viral, the strains of the virus can change anytime, which means even vaccinated people can still get sick if they were bitten by mosquitoes carrying a different strain of dengue. Even when your child wear the thickest kind of clothing (which will be highly impractical in our weather), he or she can still be bitten in the parts of her body which are not covered (face, hands, legs).

OFF! Insect Repellent Lotion

Cousins modeling OFF! Insect Repellent Lotion on their arms. Aren’t they cute?

We don’t want to be caught unguarded by these dengue mosquitoes but we also want our kids to enjoy the company of family when they play. I also want them to be able to wear comfortable clothes appropriate for the occasions.  The kids are getting older and we see our relatives and friends less and less due to increasing obligations at home and at work. So when there are gatherings with them, we consider these as precious moments. OFF! Insect Repellent Lotion keeps me worry-free as a mom, and I am thankful that there’s such a safe product for us to to be able to avoid this dreaded dengue.