What Do You Believe In?

Posted on Aug 6 2019 - 2:29am by tweenselmom

When was the last time were you able to pause and think of the things you believe in? In my case, I just did, a few hours ago, after so many years. I was swept away by so many things, had no time to pause to even think of important matters which involved my inner self.

I was swept away by so many things, had no time to pause to even think of important matters which involved my inner self.
You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself. – Swami Vivekananda

What are your beliefs? It’s not about religion but the ideas at the back of your mind that gives you the power to accomplish things, the things that keep you going despite failures, things that make you stick on what you have or maybe give up when those beliefs are broken. For example, do you believe in luck, or do you believe in pure hard work? Do you believe karma? Do you believe that there’s a God?

I’ll take myself as an example, from what I’ve just pondered today:

  1. Yes, I believe there’s a God who created us and sees us. Although I think I am trying to have a more personal relationship with an invisible God, I still think I am lacking and that I still have to get better on this.
  2. I believe in hard work partially and the other half is grace from God. But not in luck. I always think that we reap what we sow. Sometimes we are not aware that we are planting seeds, may they be good or bad, but a day will come, that whatever you planted will grow.
  3. My family (my husband and my kids) is the most important to me. I will be willing to drop everything, and make sacrifices to keep my family intact. I won’t be happy without seeing them happy.
  4. We were all born with something to give and share. No matter where you are, what your status is, we are all obligated to do or give something good for others. And it’s not always to give money or material things because sometimes, too much giving doesn’t do good. I even think that refusing things can be an act of kindness.

And so many other beliefs.

I believe that it is important that from time to time, we strengthen our inner personalities by giving time of what we believe in, if we’ve changed or if we still believe on the same things as we did before. Why? I can think of some few reasons:

  1. It will give you power to accomplish things despite rejections. It will whisper to you and give you determination even when others seems to look down on you.
  2. Your beliefs can sustain you. Even past successes won’t have the same power as personal beliefs. Because challenges vary as time pass by.
  3. Our beliefs will make us enjoy more our daily experiences. For example, because I believe in the importance of family, every time my family goes out even to have a simple dinner, my experience is heightened and I learn to appreciate simple things that we do together.
  4. Nothing will be able to bring you down but your beliefs. There are people who are successful and they did it by breaking their beliefs. These people are seldom happy.
  5. You have the power to change your beliefs because honestly, there are beliefs that may be already outdated.

Our beliefs will make us enjoy more our daily experiences. Because I believe in the importance of family, every time my family goes out even to have a simple dinner, my experience is heightened and I learn to appreciate simple things that we do together.

In the end, I hope you take time to pause and think of those things that you believe in. Your beliefs can be supported by others, by your religious group or your friends, but ultimately, it’s YOUR beliefs. And everything else may be gone, lose faith in you, but when you have faith in yourself, you’ll still be able to pick yourself up and start again.
