5 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Posted on Oct 1 2019 - 10:17pm by tweenselmom

Home is the place where we feel safe. We can kick off our shoes and relax. Yet how many of our homes are polluted and causing harm to our health? The quality of air in our homes needs to be considered. There are a number of ways to improve our indoor air quality.

1. Keep the Floors Clean

5 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Image via Flickr by aqua.mech

Regularly vacuum your floors and carpets with a quality vacuum cleaner. Using a vacuum with a HEPA filter reduces concentrations of lead, allergens, and chemicals. Use the vacuum on carpet edges, furniture, drapes, and even walls. Don’t forget to clean the vacuum filter regularly, too.

Mop the floors after vacuuming to pick up any remaining dust. A modern microfiber mop picks up small particles and does not need added soap. Place a doormat at all the entrances to your home. Simply wiping shoes on the mat will leave a lot of dirt outdoors.

2. Clean or Change Your Filters

Air conditioners improve the quality of air in the home by drying the air and refreshing stale air. Air conditioners use filters to clean the air and remove the impurities. These filters need to be cleaned or changed regularly in order to perform efficiently. HVAC professionals, Johnny On The Spot, advises changing or cleaning your filter on a monthly basis. 

A dirty filter may cause your heating and cooling installation to overheat, causing long term damage. Clean filters protect you from respiratory ailments as well as protecting your air conditioner from damage. 

3. Have Plants in Your Home

Plants don’t only bring nature inside or improve the decor in the room; they also purify the air. Both the foliage and the roots absorb chemical pollutants and toxins. Plants have the added advantages of producing oxygen and humidifying dry air. Particular indoor plants tend to perform better than others, so when decorating your home, keep these in mind. 

5 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Photo by Designecologist from Pexels

4. Make Indoors a Smoke-Free Zone

Cigarette smoke has an unpleasant odor that lingers in a room long after the cigarette is finished. To make matters worse, cigarette smoke contains hundreds of toxic chemicals. Smoking is not permitted indoors in public places in over half of the United States, so why would we allow smoking in our homes? The health risks associated with second-hand smoke are numerous. If smoking is necessary in your household, take the habit outside and keep the air inside the home clean.

5. Eliminate Dust Mites

Dust mites are a primary cause of low indoor air quality. The mites are found in the fabrics around the home, such as curtains, cushions, bedding, and clothing. Pet hair is also home to dust mites, as well as any material that retains moisture. 

The best way to eradicate the dust mites is to keep all your fabrics clean. Regularly wash the curtains, bedding, and cushion covers. Vacuum the furniture, and keep your pets off the furniture and beds. Properly use your air conditioner to get the correct humidity levels.

Keep your home healthy and safe by adhering to these practical tips for improved air quality.