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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Yes, we’ve read it over and over again but still many of us fail to apply it. Maybe because we either wake up too early or we wake up too late in the day that we skip our breakfast and eat what we call “brunch”. It’s because of this attitude that most kids and even adults are either undernourished or overweight. According to the Department of Science and Technology – Food and Nutrition Research Institute ) DOST-FNRI), 6 out of 10 Filipino households suffer from...

Are your kids Shopkins fans? If they are, make sure you don’t miss this fun event! Fun Things To Do In Shopville Manila Swapkins – swap and trade with other Shopkins collectors Meet & Greet Shoppies and favorite Shopkins characters, Strawberry Kiss, Lippy Lips and Spilt Milk Shopkins Candy Corner where kids can indulge in candy haven and satisfy their cravings Cupcake Corner where kids can decorate their own cupcakes Be artsy and crafty with Shopkins and the magical beads of Beados and Glitzi Globes Play games on the...

As parents, my husband and I always feel that it’s our moral obligation to teach our kids to be caring to Mother Earth in our own little ways. We teach them to throw away their little paper thrashes and candy wrappers in the right places, by filtering the left over food from our plates and not let them go down the drain, and to recycle as much as they can. But there are still more ways to teach little kids of what they can do to be more caring to nature and fortunately, Kidzania Manila came up with a summer program to help parents...

Have you ever felt sick at work but you still need to finish your job task? Or if you are at home, you couldn’t go out and bring your child with you because of personal reasons? You need to go to the doctor and you’ll realize that it will take you long before you will arrive to the clinic because of the traffic. After your consultation, you need to go to the pharmacy. That’s a whole lot of stress and anxiety in one day. There’s one app/website service which tries to give solutions to these problems. MyPocketDoctor. MyPocketDoctor...

Getting enough rest as a mom is one of the most difficult things to accomplish, given all the tasks you need to do in a day. There are the household chores, devoting time to spend with your children, cleaning the house and cooking afterwards, and even working alongside for those work-at-home mommies. In the United States, it has been reported that the number of stay-at-home working moms has risen by 800% since 1860, as featured on a Live Science post. Thus, how can moms get the rest they deserve? Photo Credit: Johan Larsson via Compfight...

Do you feel the same way sometimes, having that guilty feeling when your kids are at home during vacation and you can’t just bring them out everyday? I do. I am a work at home mom and there’s no way I can leave my job. They are in vacation but I am not. If I don’t work, I won’t get paid. After praying to God to give me patience and wisdom (believe, I need to do this when I feel impatient), I realized that there’s no reason to be guilty. We are doing a great job providing for our families, and for WAHMs like...

Kidzania may not have the rides and the dreamy carousels but what the kids enjoy in this place a lot is they get to imagine and role-play what they can potentially be when they get old. And how happier can parents be when they see their little children dreaming of becoming big or just seeing them having interests in careers which they didn’t even know of? That was what we felt. My husband and I felt happy seeing my girls play as broadcasters, radio DJs, doctors, things that we dream for them someday. I guess most parents want the...

If there’s one thing the four of us in our family enjoys a lot doing together, it’s singing. I know I can carry a tune or two but my kids are better singers than I am and my husband knows how to play several musical instruments. It’s one blessing that I am very thankful of, the gift of music. But music is free, and so whether you have good voice or not (and whether you admit it or not), your family can have fun and sing your heart out in a place where you can choose your music, eat good food, and just relax. That’s...

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