5 Signs You’re Suffering From Gum Disease

Posted on Dec 24 2021 - 3:35am by tweenselmom

Everyone knows how important daily brushing is for preventing tooth decay and ensuring good oral hygiene. Unfortunately, not all Americans are as conscientious about taking care of their gums as they are about their teeth.

5 Signs You’re Suffering From Gum Disease

Failing to floss daily, improper brushing technique, and avoiding routine cleanings and exams can all lead to serious problems, including gum disease. The good news is that dentists can help patients reverse gum disease when it’s in its early stages. Read on to find out about five key symptoms of gum disease that indicate it’s time to schedule an appointment.

1. Bleeding Gums

Bleeding, redness, and inflammation of the gums are all symptoms of the first stage of gum disease. Affected patients should look up the Best Dentists Near Me and schedule an appointment as soon as they notice blood on their toothbrushes or floss. A professional cleaning can help to eradicate plaque and tartar building up along the gumline, stopping gingivitis in its tracks and restoring healthy tissue.

2. Chronic Halitosis

Just about everyone suffers from halitosis, or bad breath, from time to time. Under normal circumstances, getting rid of the unpleasant odor is a simple matter of brushing, flossing, and using some mouthwash or making appropriate dietary changes.

Halitosis that does not respond to these techniques may indicate the presence of gum disease. As the bacteria responsible for gingivitis and periodontitis build up beneath and around the gum line, it can cause a persistent unpleasant smell that can only be improved by visiting the dentist for a professional cleaning.

3. Tooth Sensitivity

In some cases, tooth sensitivity results from decay or damage to one or more teeth. In the absence of cavities or injuries, though, it can be a sign of receding gums. As gum disease eats away at the soft tissue, it exposes the roots of a patient’s teeth, which are sensitive to heat, cold, and certain foods or drinks. There are plenty of effective ways to deal with sensitive teeth, but first, patients should focus on addressing its root cause and treating their gum disease.

4. Pockets Around Teeth

As a patient’s gumline continues to recede due to built-up plaque and tartar, it creates pockets around the teeth where the bacteria can accumulate and thrive. While the earliest stages of gum recession can usually be halted with professional cleaning, pockets around the teeth are a sign the patient’s gum disease is progressing from gingivitis to periodontitis. This more serious form of gum disease can lead to tooth loss and degradation of the jawbone, among other issues.

5. Loose Teeth

When pockets form around teeth and plaque-causing bacteria proliferate, those issues cause the body to produce an inflammatory response. The resulting inflammation creates a negative feedback loop that will only worsen the effects of gum disease and, over time, cause the connection between a patient’s teeth and jawbone to degrade. At this stage, a deep cleaning, antibiotics, or oral surgery may be required to prevent tooth loss and further damage.

Get Help Now

Without intervention, gum disease will only continue to progress from gingivitis to periodontitis. Instead of waiting until the situation becomes dire and requires surgical intervention, patients should schedule visits with their dentists to be evaluated for signs of gum disease and keep up with routine exams and cleanings. Even if it’s been a while since that last cleaning, a good dentist should be able to help.