It’s the start of the year once again and it’s an exciting time to freshen our wardrobes with comfortable clothes, and for me and my 2 daughters, some pretty dresses we can use for Sunday mass, birthday parties and school events. Last December, I’ve sorted out the girls’ clothes and gave the small-sized tees and dresses to their cousin, my niece and step-sister. That’s why when I buy clothes for my daughters, I make sure that they can be passed on to other kids when my kids outgrow them already. There’s...

Another year is over and a whole new one had just started. It’s a happy thing not only because we’ve survived another year, but also because all the family occasions were reset and we got to celebrate again all those happy milestones together. To make sure that my kids are protected from getting mosquito-born diseases from all those family occasions, my husband and I are very stringent when it comes to applying OFF! Insect Repellent Lotion at home and before going to any gathering, may it be with our relatives or with friends. You...

The kids will be back to school tomorrow and we will be officially back to business. Work at home, house chores and the usual stuff. Before we plunge in, I let my husband satisfy his curiosity in this vintage shop he was eyeing for so long to visit. It was somewhere K-1st Street near Kamuning Northwest Estate and Collectibles. You may click the name to be directed to its Facebook page. It was a house open to public and it was filled with vintage LPs, cds, casette tapes, toys, cards, comics and a little bit of home stuff like jars, salt...

Are you ready for life in Mars ? You might not know it but there’s an increasing interest about The Red Planet, the planet Mars, these days. Just last year, NASA had just confirmed the evidence of water in MARS and since water means life for us in our planet Earth, the thought of being able to live in MARS had peaked so much interest in many people these days. Two decades ago, on my elementary days, I have already heard about ideas that there can be life in Mars. But as far as reality is concerned, I think we were too far back then....

If you miss watching a live breathtaking show, I do suggest that you watch the LeGrand Cirque showing this December 25 to January 3 at The Smart Araneta Coliseum. Bring the whole family because you’ll surely regret it leaving anyone at home once you see the show. It has been quite a while when there was a circus shown being shown in Araneta. I only have a faded memory of a circus show I’ve seen once from another theater and it was not even a big production. LeGrandCirque was a one of a kind show because there had been no...

Going to The Araneta Center every Christmas has been an annual tradition in the family. Aside from the shopping malls surrounding the area, there’s an overall Holiday feeling when you are there. There are lights everywhere, there’s a giant Christmas tree, and of course, the yearly holiday show in Araneta Center. This year, they won’t be showing a Disney on ice show, but something different and a first-ever show. It’s the Legrand Cirque show ! I am actually looking forward to this kind of show. I remember when I...

How’s your Christmas month going? Mine’s the same as with most of the moms I know of, busy and the days seem to pass by in a blur. But you know what, I don’t regret any of it. Being busy is a blessing because it means you are alive and your hands are full of things worthy of your time. I love to share a part of this prayer written by a certain Faith Sommers which appreciates mothers who are busy. Part of the blessings that I cherish during the Christmas season are the gifts given to me by my loved ones and my friends....

Makeups may not be my thing but feeling good, looking good and smelling good are essential for me. But as a work at home mom, you can do only a little bit for yourself in a day and weekends are usually spent with the family. Bless online shopping because in a way, it extends the hours of my busy days when I can decide for myself  and do what I love with the money I earned from my own labor. Haha, yes, that’s the beauty of being a work at home mom. You get to be a mom, the best job in the world, and at the same time, work your butt...

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